Our beloved hero. Indica is a twenty-four year old caracal from Slasath currently living in big city Andromeda.

Sharp-tongued. Afflicted with a painfully average stature. Scrappy to compensate. Nicotine-addicted. Grief stricken from his recently & tragically departed boyfriend.

Indica chooses to barrel through life with the headstrong force of a freight train - Strong-arming his less than convenient emotions into submission in favor of keeping his head above water. He currently shares a small studio with his roomate, Casino. He supports himself working as a bouncer for the nightclub "Fangs" in downtown Andromeda.

Come Outbreak, Indica wields a demonic top-secret prototype gun, capable of shooting exploding flares from the muzzle of something akin to a pistol. This thing was definitely made with something dangerous in mind, and Indica's yet to find out the half of it.